Spegniamo le Centrali Nucleari Obsolete con Windows 10 e Windows Server

Spegniamo le Centrali Nucleari Obsolete con Windows 10 e Windows Server 
Turn off a Nuclear Power Plant Obsolete with Windows 10 and Windows Server 

Naturalmente bisogna ragionare su milioni di computer sul Mondo..!!
Il Disastro che è avvenuto in Giappone, sentendo le notizie.... era prevedibile.
...A causa dell'enorme consumo di Energia di Tokio... è stata prolungata la vita
di alcune centrali Nucleari Obsolete che andavano smantellate, non dotate
di tutti i sistemi di sicurezza delle centrali di ultima generazione.
Dopo la chiusura delle 7 centrali obsolete in Germania...
ci stiamo avvicinando ad un periodo in cui saranno frequenti in "buchi di energia..." Anche la Francia sicuramente chiuderà qualche centrale....e
l'Italia rimarrà a corto di Energia...!!!"
E' arrivato il momento di migrare al Nuovo Sistema Operativo Microsoft Windows 10 Progettato per un Basso Consumo Energetico (Se usato in milioni di computer si può
arrivare a spegnere una Centrale Nucleare Obsoleta. 

Turn off a Nuclear Power Plant Obsolete with Windows 10 and Windows Server

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Of course we must think on millions of computers in the world ..! The crash happened in Japan, hearing the news .... was predictable. Due to the hunger for energy of Tokyo ... was prolonged the lives of some who were dismantling obsolete nuclear power plants, not with all the security systems of the power of last generation. After the closing of obsolete plants in Germany ... 7 we are approaching a period in which they are often gaps of energy ... " France also definitely close some central .... and Italy will run out of energy ...!!!"

It 's time to do the advertising for the new Microsoft operating system designed for ...!!! Low power consumption (when used in large-scale limit damage ...!!!!)

In a world where the word saving has become more and more frequent, also the operating systems must make their part. The new Operating Systems of Microsoft are in favor of the Atmosphere. They have a Advanced Management of the Energy. When it had been planned the S.O. Windows Xp you cheat them of oil cost 18 $, now coast approximately  50$, has become Us account to the world-wide level of the problem of the Energy, the resources are not limitless, Operating Sistemi have been completely redesigned, the new versions of Windows 10 they have a Advanced Management of the energy and extinguish the made unusable modules in the event hardware increasing the duration of the battery of the portable ones, in the event of Business Operating Sistemi Windows Serveur they have a reduction of 18% of the consumption with the extinction of the CPU and hardisk, and are in a position to extinguishing at a distance once finished the office job, finishes them left ignited from the distracted dependent. 

2 commenti:

  1. Molto interessante! Non sapevo che aggiornare il sistema operativo ragionando su milioni di computer nel mondo potesse spegnere una centrale nucleare

  2. Bisogna convincere le persone ad utilizzare i Sistemi Operativi di nuova generazione per tutelare l'ambiente.
